How to sign RUTA orders

How to Sign RUTA Orders

Signing your RUTA orders Is actually a pretty easy task. The problem is, for those who rarely ever sign RUTA orders, remembering the process can make you feel as though you have a slight case of amnesia. So let's go down memory lane and recall the process to sign your RUTA orders. 

These Instructions are assuming that you or someone else has already created your RUTA orders. Also, remember you cannot sign your RUTA orders until your final day of your orders. EXAMPLE: Let's say your RSD was FEB 1 and 2 and your RUTA days are FEB 19 and 20. You cannot sign your orders In AROWS until FEB 20. The AROWS system will not let you. That being said, let's begin.

You can click or swipe on the Images above to see examples of the Instructions below.


When you are In AROWS you navigate using the menu on the left. To know which page you are on, look for the menu Item within the brackets [  ]. In this example you will see the red arrow pointing to the menu Item [In Progress]. Notice how In Progress Is the only Item within brackets.