How to open AF PDF's

Are you having trouble opening up Air Force PDF's?

If get this message telling you to Please wait, whatever you do, don't wait. You are getting this message because the PDF you are trying to open was not designed to be opened up within a browser. That means you cannot open the document In Safari, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox. Instead, you will have to open the PDF within Adobe Acrobat. Here Is a step by step process on how to do that.

In this example I came across the PLEASE WAIT message when I Googled AF Form 1206

After I clicked the link I received the PLEASE WAIT message. This Is the message you have probably seen while trying to open your PDF.

Click on the download Icon and download the PDF to your computer

Locate the file on your computer and open It up. It will only work using Adobe Acrobat so make sure to open It up In Adobe Acrobat, If It Is not already set as your default PDF reader.

When you open the file, It should now open as Intended.

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